About Philanthropy Hour

Do you think you know the philanthropic sector?

  • In the United States right now, there are 966,599 public charities.

  • There are over 1050 certified B Corps across 60 different industries. 

  • There are over 44,000 private foundations in the U.S. 

  • Charitable contribution by individuals, foundations, and corporations reached $316.23 billion in 2012. Individuals were responsible for $229 billion of that, while foundations accounted for $51 billion of giving.*

What does it mean?

  • The sector is big, and growing. 60% of social enterprises were created in 2006 or later, and 29% have launched since 2011. The total number of social enterprises is hard to determine, but is currently being tracked through the Social Enterprise Census
  • There are more philanthropic organization than ever before. Not only that, but there are more forms of social capital, and ways of receiving capital funding.   
  • There has never been a better time to do good. We have never had so many tools and resources at our disposal. We've never had a generational shift that has created so many motivated social entrepreneurs and change makers. 

About Me

I have over 10 years of nonprofit experience in various capacities, with a focus on fundraising, storytelling, and board development. I have worked as a Program Officer for the Annenberg Foundation, a Major Gifts Officer for the American Red Cross, and a Development Director for the University of Southern California. I have also served on grassroots nonprofit boards, and I am a Partner for the Social Venture Partners Los Angeles

Along the way, I've discovered that there is a shared humanity which unites all of us.  There is an amazing power in serving others. There is a sincerity that comes from aligning our actions with our values.  And there is a strong desire to be inspired. 

I've also lamented the fact that there is a lack of resources in the media dedicated to the social sector.  There are not enough storytelling outlets for philanthropy and charity. There are plenty of outlets to report on the big news: war, death, crime, government corruption, tragedy, etc. That leaves little time to hear more about humanity, social engagement, and individuals who are making a difference.  

I envision a platform to profile amazing individuals, discuss their passions and bring attention to great causes. I want to provide more information about strengthening the sector, building better organizations, and becoming effective investors.

My goal is to shed light on the important charitable work happening around the country. I am profiling incredible leaders in philanthropy and social enterprise, inspiring action, and leading a more engaged citizenry. 


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*Info source:  http://nccs.urban.org/statistics/quickfacts.cfm